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Treating Gum Disease With Scaling & Root Planing

Dr. Matthew J. Cavendish, DDS, PLLC provides scaling and root planing treatment for patients in North Phoenix, AZ, and Paradise Valley. Scaling and root planing is recommended when gum disease infects the surrounding teeth’s soft tissues. As the teeth pull away from the gums, periodontal pockets create the perfect place for the accumulation of bacteria, tartar, and plaque. Our experienced dental team performs scaling and root planing to clean out the deep pockets

Teeth Scaling and Root Planing in Phoenix, AZ

When Do I Need Teeth Scaling?

At your routine dental visit, we examine your mouth for any evidence of gum infection or bone loss in your jaw. We’ll measure the pockets between the gums and teeth and take x-rays to evaluate the extent of gum disease. Other signs and symptoms that you need a root planing and scaling treatment include:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Red, inflamed gums
  • Receding gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Infected teeth
  • Deep gum disease pockets

Benefits of Tooth Scaling

The benefits of periodontal scaling and root planing include:

  • Improves the health of deep pockets to prevent infection
  • Reduces risk of tooth, tissue, or bone loss
  • It helps control bad breath
  • Lowers risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure
  • Saves money by deep cleaning problem areas before they become severe, costly issues

How Is Scaling and Root Planing Done? 

Teeth scaling and root planing are done with a local anesthetic, or we offer sedation dentistry. We also provide innovative laser gum therapy, which is virtually painless and offers fast recovery. We scale the teeth by scraping away plaque and cleaning any deep pockets between your gums and teeth. Root planing smooths your gums and helps them reattach to your teeth. We may recommend additional treatment if needed.

Scaling and Root Planing Effectiveness

Periodontal scaling and root planing are highly effective treatments in most cases. If you have diabetes, smoke, or have extreme damage to your teeth, the effectiveness of the treatment may be affected. It’s essential to maintain positive oral health by brushing and flossing regularly to help boost the treatment’s effectiveness.

Expectations of Scaling and Root Planing

Periodontal scaling and root planing should shrink the pockets between your gums and teeth. Contact us immediately if your pockets don’t shrink or you notice any abnormal gum issues. We’ll place you on a periodontal maintenance cleaning schedule to return to us every few months to examine your results.

Contact Dr. Matthew J. Cavendish, DDS Today!

Scaling and root planing are easy procedures that make a lasting impact. We work hard to ensure your oral health is optimal. We put your health first, ensuring to use the most innovative techniques to promote oral health. From digital x-rays to laser dentistry, we try our best to provide the highest quality services with high-tech products. If you need scaling and root planing treatments, we’ll help you feel as comfortable as possible in our friendly and professional environment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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