TMJ & Teeth Grinding Treatment for Relief in North Phoenix, AZ
TMJ Treatment Options in North Phoenix
Disorders of the TMJ can be painful and difficult to live with, but we offer solutions that will relieve your discomfort.
When you try to use a sore joint, it hurts.
With an aching knee, for example, you can sit on the couch and rest it, but It’s hard to do that when the problem is your jaw joint. Thankfully, you can get TMJ treatment in Phoenix, AZ right here at our practice. Call us right now to set up your appointment and get out of pain!

Experience No More Jaw Pain
Your lower jaw is controlled by two joints on either side of your head. These are called your temporomandibular joints, but most people use the abbreviation TMJ instead.
Whenever you open or close your mouth to drink, eat, talk, or even just to yawn, you’re using your TMJ. If you ever go to the gym, you know what it’s like to overwork a muscle or injure a joint — it’s sore, and it can hurt just to use it. The same can happen with your TMJ. This medical condition of a sore, dysfunctional TMJ is called temporomandibular disorder, or TMD.

Treat Your TMJ Issues Effectively
Because TMD is a disorder of the jaw joints, the most common sign of TMD is jaw pain or discomfort. People with TMD tend to have popping and clicking noises when using the jaw, such as when eating or talking. The TMJ muscles can also feel sore and tired. Because your muscles are all interconnected, TMJ muscle pain can radiate into your neck, back, shoulders, or ears. In bad cases, you could have serious trouble opening or closing your jaw.
TMD has also been linked to bruxism. This is when you grind your teeth unconsciously, especially at night. This pressure not only hurts your TMJ; it also wears down your teeth. Other factors contributing to TMD include orthodontic problems as well as ill-fitting restorations (e.g., crowns that are too high). Both can strain the TMJ as it constantly attempts to adjust to the misaligned bite.
Discover the Link Between TMD and Migraines
Two other common symptoms of TMD are headaches and migraines.
Migraines are severe, chronic headaches that can be literally disabling. There are many causes of migraines and headaches, and TMD is definitely one of them. When your jaw joints are sore and stressed, pain and tension can spread throughout the area. That’s why people with TMD tend to have sore necks, ear pain, and more. This tension can trigger head pain and even migraines.
Get Relief Now
There are a few ways you can get TMJ treatment in North Phoenix. An occlusal splint can be made specifically for you. This is a small device you wear on your teeth while you sleep. It’s custom-made, so it will feel comfortable. It shifts your jaw just enough so it can rest and heal. It also helps stop bruxism to protect both your teeth and jaw.
There are some medications that serve as TMJ treatments as well. Since the muscles in your TMJ are stressed, a muscle relaxant can help in some cases. And because this is a medical issue as well as a dental one, we might be able to bill your medical insurance.
Manage TMJ Pain with Our Dental Laser
Modern technology has done many incredible things over the years. Now, we can use a laser for TMJ treatments. In laser dentistry treatment, Dr. Matthew Cavendish uses a special laser on the muscles surrounding the TMJ. This energy decreases the inflammation in those muscles, giving rapid relief of pain and discomfort. The laser also stimulates healing in those muscle tissues.
If you are having jaw pain and are in need of TMD or TMJ treatments, call our North Phoenix dental office today at 602-835-1304 or fill out our online form.