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Treat Root Canal Pain in Phoenix AZ

Don’t let an infected tooth compromise your oral health. Call us to get the treatment and relief you need! Unfortunately, everyone has harmful bacteria in their mouth that can create cavities if you don’t take good care of your teeth. These bacteria can also work their way inside your tooth and create a painful infection.

You can save your tooth and relieve the pain with a root canal in Phoenix, AZ, & Paradise Valley. Call Dr. Cavendish at 602-835-1304 to schedule your next appointment because the best way to prevent a root canal is routine care.

Mother & father happy after initiating root canal procedure in North Phoenix, AZ

When Decay and Infection Attack

The usual culprit behind an infected tooth is harmful bacteria. They live on and around your teeth, feeding on the small particles of food and drink debris that get stuck in your mouth. As they metabolize the food, they secrete an acid, which eats away at your enamel. This is what causes cavities.

If not taken care of, a cavity can break through to the pulp. This is how bacteria infect the interior of your tooth.

While uncommon, your tooth could also need root canal treatment because of an accident. If a tooth gets hit hard enough, the pulp inside can get inflamed. This causes the same symptoms, and often, the inflamed pulp needs to be removed just like infected pulp.

Know the Symptoms of an Infected Tooth

The most obvious symptom of an infected tooth is chronic pain. Since your dental pulp is home to nerve endings, an infection there will trigger pain. These toothaches can be constant or can flare up from time to time.

Other symptoms include:
  • Sensitivity to heat or cold
  • Pain when chewing or pressing down on the tooth
  • Tender gums around one tooth in particular

As with many health problems, this one will not go away on its own. Without a root canal, you run the risk of having an abscess at the tooth’s root. Eventually, your tooth will die.

Get a Root Canal When Needed

Root canals are no more painful than getting a cavity filled. Dr. Matthew Cavendish begins by using local anesthesia, then a small hole is made in the tooth. The infected pulp is gently and carefully removed. Laser dentistry treatments help sanitize the canal.

During a second appointment, the space left behind by the removed pulp is filled with a material known as gutta percha. The material is heated slightly so it expands and fully fills the space. Finally, the tooth is sealed by an inlay, onlay, or dental crown. When all’s said and done, your tooth will be healthy and pain-free.

Dental Lasers Reduce Discomfort

In a traditional root canal treatment, a dentist will remove the infected pulp and “clean” the canal, often using a sterilizing liquid. This is good, as you don’t want the infection returning.

At our Phoenix, AZ dental office, we can use a dental laser to perform that task instead. Laser dentistry is painless; the heat it brings is just strong enough to remove infected debris. With laser dentistry treatments, you get a more powerful sterilizing effect.

Please Don’t Delay Root Canal Treatment!

To learn more about how a root canal can relieve toothaches and save your teeth or to schedule your next appointment with Dr. Matthew Cavendish, call our Phoenix, AZ dental office today at 602-835-1304 or fill out our online form.

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