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Gum Contouring With Dr. Matthew J. Cavendish, DDS

If you’re unhappy with your smile due to gum issues, gum contouring may be a perfect solution. Dr. Matthew J. Cavendish, DDS, PLLC offers gum contouring procedures to our Phoenix, AZ, & Paradise Valley patients. Many patients that feel their gums rest too low or too high on their teeth choose gum removal surgery. We can efficiently perform gum reshaping or tissue sculpting to give you a smile you love. While gum contouring is often a cosmetic surgery, we also perform it to fight gum disease. Contact us for more information about what gum contouring can do for you.

Gum Contouring Surgery in Phoenix, AZ

What Is Gum Contouring?

Whether you have big gums, gum recession, or want to fight periodontal disease, gum contouring is a simple procedure that reshapes your gum line. We use innovative laser technology to painlessly cut away parts of your gum for a better shape. Gum contouring not only boosts the look of your smile but also removes bacteria and prevents further infection from gingivitis.

Gum Contouring Surgery Expectations

Gum contouring before and after photos will amaze you. You’ll have a brand new smile following gum contouring surgery. Since we use lasers to cut away excess gum tissue, your recovery time is much shorter than traditional gum surgery. You should expect minimal bleeding and little to no pain.

Benefits of Gum Contouring

Gum contouring offers many benefits, including:

  • Lengthen and exposes teeth for a more even smile
  • Provides a straighter smile in spots with uneven gum tissue
  • Eliminates excessive tissue that can easily trap food particles
  • Lessens tooth decay and periodontal problems
  • Preserves existing teeth
  • Offers a fast and effective solution

Gum Contouring Procedure

Our gum contouring procedure is effective and as painless as possible. We’ll consult with you to ensure you understand the surgery and recovery period in depth. We may use digital x-rays, photos, and other tools to explain the procedure. We’ll numb the area and begin the gum reshaping procedure. Dr. Cavendish will either use an innovative soft tissue laser or scalpel to remove gum tissue where necessary. If we need to add new gum tissue in some areas, we can at this time.

Gum Removal Surgery Recovery

Recovering from gum contouring surgery shouldn’t take too much time away from your everyday life. We recommend returning to normal activities the following day after the surgery. You may feel pain and experience swelling for a few days. It’s best to eat soft foods and brush gently to ensure your gums heal properly.

Why Choose Us?

If you feel self-conscious about the look of your smile, Dr. Cavendish and our dental team are here to help you. We put your oral needs first, providing optimal comprehensive dental care to all ages. Our gum contouring procedure is effective and will help you love the look of your smile. From our innovative DIAGNOdent dental equipment to view tiny cavities to our laser gum surgery, we offer the highest level of dental technology to meet your needs.

Contact Dr. Matthew J. Cavendish, DDS 

Dr. Matthew J. Cavendish and our dental team welcome you to our family. If you’re ready to change the look of your smile, contact us for a gum contouring consultation. We’ll discuss any dental treatment in detail to determine if you’re a possible candidate. Contact us to schedule a consultation!

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