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Dr. Matt CavendishDr. Matt Cavendish, Cosmetic Dentist, at Matthew J. Cavendish, DDS, PLLC

Dr. Matthew Cavendish was born and raised in Michigan. He attended the University of Michigan for his undergraduate degree and then went on to graduate from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. He started working in different dental practices after graduation, giving him a breadth of knowledge. He opened his first dental practice of his own back in 2003. In 2007, he moved to Phoenix, where he took over a long-standing practice in the North Phoenix area.

Dr. Cavendish knows how much dentistry is changing these days, which is why he keeps taking continuing education courses. He became certified to offer clear aligners in 2003, certified for dental implants in 2004, and certified for mini dental implants in 2005. He continues to study and train in how to treat cosmetic dental problems and sleep apnea. Dr. Cavendish is one of those people who sets demanding standards for himself, as this keeps him motivated to train, learn, and provide excellent care. His biggest reward is when a treatment is complete and his patient shows off a big, happy smile.

When not working, Dr. Cavendish loves spending time with his wife and three young children who enjoy dancing and playing ice hockey. He also loves hiking and camping.

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