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Providing Top-Tier Dental Services Since 2007

Dr. Matthew Cavendish, DDS, PLLC provides premier dentistry services to patients throughout Phoenix, AZ, and the surrounding areas. Our highly-trained dental team is dedicated to providing our valued patients with a positive dental experience. We work diligently to provide high-quality dental work in a friendly environment. At our dental office, you’ll find one of the most nurturing, friendly, and positive dental teams in the area. Our staff is dedicated to treating you like a person, not just an insurance plan. We go out of our way to help you feel welcome and comfortable.

Meet Our Highly-Trained Dental Team

Since 2007, we have proudly served the communities of Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Cave Creek, as well as other neighboring towns. As one of the best dental offices in Arizona, you can rely on our team and our technology to ensure you have the best possible dental experience while in our care. With our focus on new but proven technology, patient comfort, and a family-like atmosphere, our dental office can work wonders for you and your family. We implore you to get to know Dr. Matt Cavendish.

Dr. Matt Cavendish, DDS, PLLC in Phoenix, AZ

Meet Dr. Matt Cavendish, DDS, PLLC

Dr. Matthew Cavendish knows how much dentistry is changing these days, which is why he keeps taking continuing education courses. He became certified to offer clear aligners in 2003, certified for dental implants in 2004, and certified for mini dental implants in 2005. He continues to study and train to treat cosmetic dental problems and sleep apnea. Dr. Cavendish is one of those people who sets demanding standards for himself, as this keeps him motivated to train, learn, and provide excellent care. His biggest reward is when a treatment is complete, and his patient shows off a big, happy smile. When not working, Dr. Cavendish loves spending time with his wife and three young children, who enjoy dancing and playing ice hockey. He also loves hiking and camping.

Dawn, Dental Hygienist at Matthew J. Cavendish, DDS, PLLC, in North Phoenix, AZ

Meet Dawn, Dental Hygienist

Dawn was born and raised in Colorado. She has lived in Arizona on and off for a total of sixteen years. She has had the opportunity to also live in Idaho, California, and Hawaii. Dawn is the newest addition to our team, but she brings along 18 years of dental hygiene experience and 15 years of periodontal dental hygiene experience.

She is compassionate and cares for all patients who come her way. Dawn graduated from dental hygiene school at Colorado Northwestern. A handful of her classmates are her best friends to this day. They learn and share continuing education ideas to better their practice in dental hygiene. Her passion for hygiene is quite evident as she loves going to the Western Regional Dental Convention every year to stay up to date on everything in the fast-changing field of dentistry.

In her downtime, Dawn enjoys hiking, puzzles, movies, and spending time with friends and family.

Contact Dr. Matthew Cavendish, DDS, PLLC Today

If you live in or around Phoenix and require dentistry services of any kind, we invite you to reach out to our state-of-the-art dental office for all your dental needs. When browsing dentist offices throughout the local area, we hope you’ll choose the office of Dr. Matthew Cavendish, DDS, PLLC. Whether you need general dental or family dental, we’re the team for the job. We also offer emergency dentistry services and are the go-to local emergency dentist. To schedule an appointment, contact us today.

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